Groups offered by
CPA-NA Members
CPA-NA members are currently facilitating many types of Climate Emotion Support Groups. These groups vary tremendously - ranging from Climate Cafes, Work That Reconnects, Indigenous Wisdom practices, spiritual practices, art & movement practices, and many unique formats created by individual members.
As an organization, CPA-NA is not endorsing these groups, but we are sharing the news and details of the various groups offered by our members. If you want to learn more please reach out directly to the group's facilitators.
Please note:
We are a widely varied group of clinicians and non-clinicians, and we hope to expand our diversity in ongoing ways. With this, the groups listed here will be varied too. Each member who uses this list is responsible for their own process of learning more about any particular type of group. CPA-NA does not vet any of these listings. We respect deeply that one type of group will not work for all, and we appreciate the creative, ever-ranging types of groups our community members are offering.
Are you facilitating a Climate Emotion Support Group?
If you want your group to be listed on this page, please understand that you, as the group facilitator, are responsible for managing your group listing here. If any information is incorrect, outdated, or needs changes, please let us know.
CPA-NA asks that all facilitators offering therapy groups under their professional license share their license information and verify that they are in good professional standing in the state they practice.
Fill out this form to be added to the listings below.
If you have questions, contact us here.
Meet Multiple Weeks
Ongoing Meetings
Meets Once
Color Key:
Facilitated Groups from our members
Facilitator: Anna Graybeal
Type of Group: Training Group for Climate-Aware Mental Health Professionals (virtual)
When offered: Ongoing meetings every Tuesday 2:00 - 3:30 Central Time.
Contact: 512-680-8259 and/or
Details: I strongly believe we will all do better with the climate crisis, whatever that may mean for each of us, if we are not alone. This makes the group format ideal at this moment in time. I have been training and leading groups for nearly twenty years, and am a long-time member of the American Group Psychotherapy Association. Experience has shown me that the best way to learn to lead groups is by participating in one. For clinicians, a "training group" offers it all: direct group experience, as well as ongoing, deepening engagement with other clinicians for support, consultation and wisdom, with whom you will feel less alone in everything you are doing.
Participant Age: Adults
Facilitators: Martha Crawford
Type of Group: Reading Liberation Psychology (virtual)
When offered: The third Saturday of each month, at 10:00 Pacific, 11:00 Mountain, 12:00 Central, 1:00 Eastern
Details: This is a once monthly reading group gathered via Zoom to support clinicians in deeper consideration of collective, systemic, cultural and community models and how we might work to extricate mental health provision from hyper-individualistic models of pathology and healing.
Participant Age: Adults, Young Adults.
Facilitators: Nancy Blair / David Patterson
Type of Group: Climate Cafe (in-person),
Christ Church Hall, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
When offered: We meet the third Thursday of each month.
Details: The group is open to all. We started April 2022.
Participant Age: All
Facilitators: Martha Crawford
Type of group: Repurpose and Renewal Group (Virtual)
When offered: Alternate Fridays
Details: This is a peer support group - not a supervision or a clinical group, although I am licensed in NYC
Participant Age: Adults, Young Adults
Facilitators: Liliane Mavridara
Type of Group: Peer Support Circle for non-Clinicians (Virtual)
When offered: Ongoing Meetings, Monthly
Details: This support circle is for Climate Café Facilitators trained through CPA and CPA-NA, as well as facilitators and community leaders who work with diverse groups, i.e. Faith groups, College Students, and Families. The aim is to provide a space for self-care and self-reflection, relational support, and social capacity skills-building.
Participant Age: Adults
Facilitators: Martha Crawford
Type of Group: Vocation and Discernment Groups for Helping Professionals (Virtual)
When offered: Twice monthly. Currently there are openings in both groups: Alternate Fridays, at 11:00 Pacific, 12:00 Mountain, 1:00 Central, 2:00 Eastern Alternate Thursday evenings, at 4:00 Pacific, 5:00 Mountain, 6:00 Central, 7:00 Eastern
Details: The intention of this group is to help members engage in ongoing discernment regarding the alignment of their deeper values (whatever they may be), their vocational callings and their professional practice. Living out right-livelihood is a fluid process as needs of self and other and environment shift and change. The goal of this group is to encourage members to listen deeply to themselves while balancing supporting themselves financially and exerting "right effort" in a rapidly changing world.Why do we do what we do? What are the hazards to ourselves and others? How do we integrate the “shadow” aspects of the helping professions? How do we promote justice in our practices and our professions? How should global crises – the pandemic, the rise of the extreme right, racial oppression and colonialism, and climate breakdown come into our work or transform our professional identities? What contains and holds us? What calls us, and what is our calling in a time of challenge and crisis?
Participant Age: Adults
Facilitator: Janet Castellini & Audrey Martin
Type of Group: Climate Cafe (virtual)
When offered: 12/15/2023, 12:30-2:00 pm (Pacific)
Details: One of the biggest challenges of the climate crisis is knowing what to do with the complex set of emotions regarding the planetary emergency. Where is it safe to talk about the fear, outrage, and grief? The idea is that the more comfortable we become with these difficult feelings, the more able we are to cope with our situation. And the more we talk together, the less alone we feel and, indeed, are. Climate Cafes offer a structured space for informal, open, respectful discussion of emotional responses and reactions related to the climate.
Climate Cafes meet for 1.5 hours and are not ongoing commitments.
The next Climate Cafe is Friday, November 17th from 12:30-2:00 pm PT/3:30-5pm ET and will take place virtually.
Registration is $10.00 per participant. 100% of all registration fees will be donated to the Climate Psychology Alliance of North America.
If, for any reason, the registration fee is a barrier to your participation, the fee will be waived. Please reach out to so we can arrange for your tickets.
Participant Age: Adults, Young Adults
Facilitators: Maia Kiley & Gaby Goldberg
Type of group: Retreat (In Person) Puerto Morelos Mexico
When offered: 11/19/2023
Details: An experiential retreat centered around mindful eating, embodied movement, and ecotherapy (nature-based healing). Led by yoga and somatic guide, Gaby Goldberg and licensed psychotherapist, Maia Kiley.
Participant Age: Adults
Facilitators: Martha Crawford
Type of Group: The Elder Ring (virtual)
When offered: 12/1/2023 - This peer support group will meet every other week, for 10 sessions, for 90 minutes each session. 3:30 Pacific, 4:30 Mountain, 5:30 Central, 6:30 Eastern
Details: A circle for those over fifty interested in eldering as a verb, as a way of being, as social action, and as an essential function in healthy communities.
Participant Age: Adults over 50.