Process & Structure
Climate Café Ground Rules
Take turns speaking; refrain from interrupting
When speaking, be mindful of time
Listen when others are talking
While we can't assure confidentiality, we ask all participants to respect the need for privacy in our Climate Cafe discussions
Respect everyone’s perspective; don’t impose own views on others
“Ouch!”- sensitivity to microaggressions
Allow space for silence
This is not a clinical space or a therapy group
Introductory Round
This structure gives participants a way to introduce themselves to the group.
“Choose a natural object that connects you to the climate crisis, one on hand or one that comes to mind. Use this object as a way of telling us:
Something about yourself
Something about the planetary crisis and/or embedded injustices
Something that led you to come to the climate café
(You can use a basket of natural objects as samples, in person or remotely)
Facilitator participates and begins the sharing, then asks, “Did anyone connect to what was just said? Can you speak to how and then do your own introduction?” If you have a co-facilitator, they will do the last introduction in the group.
Second Round
After introductions are complete, discussion is open.
“Tell us about anything that came up for you during the introductory round- thoughts, feelings, reflections”
Facilitator provides holding function, makes connecting remarks, shares some of own responses and reflects and inquires about thoughts and feelings
Last five minutes- acknowledge the ending coming, invite anyone who hasn’t yet spoken to have the opportunity, and ask if there might be anything else not yet shared that feels important
Facilitator(s) reflect and summarize feelings and themes
Provide resources if desired
Consider referring participants to CPA-NA Climate Aware Therapist Directory if referrals are needed.